There are many different angles in branding and marketing campaigns.
A customer may have seen your ad in a newspaper, online, or a social networking link. One angle of a marketing campaign that most companies attribute converting a prospect to a customer is email marketing. This can be misleading though, because one or more of the angles listed above can be responsible for influencing that customer to make a decision, and surprisingly it rarely JUST your e-mail marketing by itself! Don’t let that scare you however, because combining email with analytics can help increase the efficiency of your program as a whole.

The best way to get started when combining analytics with your email marketing is to start with Google Analytics as well as with your email marketing program’s built in analytics. Marketers can use metrics from both channels to determine who is clicking through and where customers go once they do click through to your website. These metrics help marketers make informed decisions about enhancing the website and future branding and marketing strategies. When combining web analytics with email analytics you are able to determine how the most profitable customers are being acquired. Essentially by combining these analytic tools marketers are able to track their users and use their entire angle in their marketing strategy to the best of their ability.

If you want to enhance your overall branding and marketing strategies by using email marketing combined with other multi-channel marketing efforts but don’t know where or how to get started, contact us! We can help you get on the right track.